Subgenres: Historical
Rachel Beck
Melanie Figueroa
Vicky Weber
Andrea Somberg
Twelve House Books
Twelve House Books is an indie publisher that releases a variety of literary fiction, speculative fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry each year. The Acquisitions Editor looks for Ghost Stories, Fabulist... Read more
Recenter Press Poetry Journal
Recenter Press was founded in June 2017 in Philadelphia, PA, and moved home to the Bay Area in May 2023. Works published speak to workers’ rights and experiences, LGBTQ and racial justice, recovery and mysticism, and our interdependence with each... Read more
Hemlock Journal
Hemlock Journal’s focus is on the quality of the submissions regardless of the background of the writers or the poets. The editors believe literature belongs to all and must empower each and everyone.
Zhagaram Literary Magazine
Zhagaram Literary Magazine, founded in Bengaluru, is a publication aimed at publishing culturally-rooted literature and art. Zhagaram seeks mythologies, unwritten histories, and generational curses whispered in between the lines... Read more
Wolford Press
Wolford Press is interested in submissions of fiction of novel and novella length.