Q&A: Thomas’s App for Young Readers

A young developer discusses the genesis of her app, We Read Too, which offers an extensive database of multicultural books for young readers.
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A young developer discusses the genesis of her app, We Read Too, which offers an extensive database of multicultural books for young readers.
Radish, an innovative serial-reading app, publishes works of fiction one chapter at a time. Users can read original stories and pay to unlock more plot, putting money in the pockets of the writers who contribute.
Kurt Vonnegut once called Bob Dylan the “worst poet alive”; comedy writers teach Google’s A.I. how to tell jokes; the original vampire novel; and other news.
The New York Shakespeare Exchange is working with filmmakers and directors to produce collaborative video adaptations of Shakespeare’s sonnets, bringing the Bard’s timeless poems to a new audience.
Complete with maps, relevant passages, summaries, and links to booksellers, a new app tracks the real-life places found in books, allowing readers to discover and interact with literature in a whole new way.
Taking inspiration from Haruki Murakami’s short stories, a Vancouver-based game studio has created a point-and-click video game that allows players to live in a world created by words.
With an app, a website, and a fleet of rotary-style pay phones, the new interactive project Call Me Ishmael allows readers and book lovers to call the fabled sailor and leave him personal messages about their favorite books.
In their analysis of three classic texts, two UC Berkeley Neuroscience PhD candidates created an interactive visualization of the emotional relationships between each book’s cast of characters.
The latest installment of Reviewers & Critics features Michael Schaub, an incisive—and hilarious—literary critic and former Bookslut contributor.
Grove Atlantic and Electric Literature join forces to launch Literary Hub, a new site with an editorial team dedicated to curating the best literature-related writing on the Web.