Ms. Rancourt is Abenaki/Huron decent and is a multi-modal Expressive Arts Therapist with graduate degrees and certifications in psychology, creative writing, drug and alcohol recovery. Her first book of poetry, Billboard in the Clouds, Curbstone Press, received the Native Writers’ Circle of the Americas First Book Award and is now in its 2nd printing , Norhtwestern University Press. Her second book, murmurs at the gate, Unsolicited Press, released May 2019 and won the 2023 Poetry of Modern Conflict Award. Ms. Rancourt's 3rd book, Old Stones, New Roads, Main Street Rag Publishers, released 2021. Her 4th manuscript, Songs of Archilochus, Unsolicited Press, released autumn 2023.
Ms. Rancourt was the May 2022 and 2023 guest artist at Univ. of MI's New England Literature Program (NELP.) July 2022, she was the featured writer for the Sundog Poetry Center's VT event honoring the People of the Dawnland: Voices of today and tomorrow, in support of social and Earth justice. Ms. Rancourt was the 2023 Keynote (as well as guest workshop faciliator,) for the Maine Military and Community Network annual conference.
Ms. Rancourt is a current participating writer in Nature Culture's Writing the Land Project and has work forthcoming in the non-profit organizations Migrations anthology and forthcoming work in the Writing the Land's 2021 land trust partners. More work and presence is scheduled through 2023.
Her poetry, non-fiction, and fiction have appeared in Peauxdunque Review, MacQueen's Quinterly, Wend Poetry,The Massachusettes Review, Brickplight, Written Tales,Turtle Island Quarterly, New Feathers Anthology,The Halcyone, Eastern Iowa Review, New Feathers Anthology, Gargoyle Magazine / Paycock Press, The Brooklyn Review, Aji Magazine, Ariel Chart, Northern Woodlands Magazine, Nine Muses Poetry, Typehouse Literary Magazine, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, Chachalaca Review, Straw Dog Writers' Guild - Pandemic Poetry and Prose: Writing in the Time of Corona Project, Ilanaot Review, Cathexis Northwest Press, Pif Magazine, Mizmor Anthology 2020-Poetica Piblishing, Other Worldly Women Press-Summer Anothology 2020, Lucky Jefferson, Rat's Ass Review, The Wrath-Bearing Tree, Free State Review, Event Magazine, Pangyrus LitMag, Shaking the Sheets Magazine, You Can Hear the Ocean: Anthology, New Readers Magazine, Grey Borders Magazine, Synaeresis, Twist in time, Big Pond Rumours, Women Speak - Woman of Appalachia Project anthology, Quiddity, River Heron Review, Shaking the Sheets, The Gyroscope Review, theSame, Young Ravens Literary Review # 8, Tupelo Press Native Voices Anthology, Bright Hill Press 25th Anniversary Anthology, Dawnland Voices 2.0 #4, Northern New England Review, mgversion2>datura, Slipstream, Collections of Poetry and Prose, Muddy River Poetry Review, Ginosko, Journal of Military Experience, Cimarron Review, Callaloo and more. Ms. Rancourt's work can be found in a variety of texts books such as this link to a Yale AP text:
Follow this link to read an interview with Suzanne S. Rancourt by THE POET Magazine:
Ms. Rancourt is a USMC and Army Veteran who continues to serve as a Mentor for the Saratoga County, NY, Veterans’ Peer to Peer program. Ms. Rancourt is also an Amherst Writers & Artists Affiliate and trainer. For a more complete list of publications, degrees, professional qualifications, philosophy of practice etc., please, visit her website: