The Myth of Realism: Belief and Incredulity in Fiction

The author of The Last Language explores the relationship between individual subjectivity and the ability to suspend disbelief when reading fiction.
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The author of The Last Language explores the relationship between individual subjectivity and the ability to suspend disbelief when reading fiction.
“I’m very much a write-when-it-comes kind of writer.” —Kimberly Grey, author of A Mother Is an Intellectual Thing
“Never assume the reader is not as intelligent as you are.” —Sigrid Nunez, author of The Vulnerables
“Write toward what you want to discover.” —Jim Redmond, author of Because You Previously Liked or Played
“Have fun. Make friends.” —Curtis Chin, author of Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant
The author of Recital of the Dark Verses explores poetry and translation as an encounter with “the Other.”
“I was stretching to become a different kind of writer, and that took time.” —Justin Torres, author of Blackouts
“Celebrate the small victories!” —Isle McElroy, author of People Collide
The author of Wine People explores how conducting interviews can inform narratives and characters.
“For me, giving language to something, finding a name for it, enacts a kind of metabolic process.” —Cintia Santana, author of The Disordered Alphabet