The Pop-Up Literary Agency
A pop-up literary agency at the University of Arizona allows students to gain practical, hands-on experience in the publishing world by connecting children’s picture book authors with established agents.
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A pop-up literary agency at the University of Arizona allows students to gain practical, hands-on experience in the publishing world by connecting children’s picture book authors with established agents.
The author of Anodyne prioritizes joy in her poetics.
A growing number of creative writing graduate programs in the United States offer dedicated spaces for students to learn and write in Spanish.
Why did you choose the MFA program you attended? How did you make ends meet while you were there? How did your program prepare you for post-MFA life? Ten recent graduates on the realities of applying to, choosing, and attending a writing program.
The fifth installment in a continuing series about making money as a writer takes a closer look at the financial realities of academia, from adjunct work to tenure-track professorships.