Theater video tags: Jenny Xie

The Nation Spring Reading: Golden, Donika Kelly, and Jenny Xie


“Of the foreground, we will not speak. Look past the / blotted figures.” Jenny Xie reads “Red Puncta,” which appears in her second poetry collection, The Rupture Tense (Graywolf Press, 2022), in this video for the Nation’s Spring Poetry Reading, which also featured Golden and Donika Kelly, hosted by Kaveh Akbar. The Rupture Tense is featured in Page One in the September/October issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Jenny Xie: Chinatown Diptych


“The face of Chinatown returns its color, / plucked from July’s industrial steamer,” reads Jenny Xie from her poem “Chinatown Diptych,” published in her collection Eye Level (Graywolf Press, 2018), in this video directed by Jean Coleman and produced by the Adrian Brinkerhoff Poetry Foundation for their Read By poetry film series.


Jenny Xie


“My frugal mouth spends the only foreign words it owns. / At present, on this sleeper train, there’s nowhere to arrive.” Jenny Xie, a finalist for the 2018 National Book Award in poetry, reads “Rootless” and “Ongoing” from her debut poetry collection, Eye Level (Graywolf Press, 2018). Xie is featured in “Wilder Forms: Our Fourteenth Annual Look at Debut Poets” in the January/February issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Glenn Close Reads Jenny Xie


Glenn Close reads “Old Wives’ Tales on Which I Was Fed” from Jenny Xie’s debut collection, Eye Level (Graywolf Press, 2018), which won the Academy of American Poets’ 2017 Walt Whitman Award. Eye Level is featured in Page One in the May/June issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

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