Theater video tags: Maggie Nelson

Maggie Nelson and Hari Kunzru


“I had wanted to write a book about freedom,” reads Maggie Nelson from her latest essay collection, On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint (Graywolf Press, 2021), in this 2021 virtual reading and conversation with author Hari Kunzru for the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. 

Olivia Laing on Everybody


“I was really interested in the idea of the body as a place of imprisonment but also, the body as a place of liberation.” Olivia Laing speaks about her latest book, Everybody: A Book About Freedom (Norton, 2021), and how she addresses the themes of illness, sexual violence, and incarceration with imagery and by including historical figures of the past century in this conversation with author Maggie Nelson for the Center for Fiction.

My Meteorite


“The most astonishing thing to happen in the almost 14 billion years since the birth of the cosmos is that ordinary, apparentle inert matter, has—by its self-organizing capacity (or, autopoesis)—become conscious.” Harry Dodge reads from his debut book, My Meteorite: Or, Without the Random There Can Be No New Thing (Penguin Books, 2020), and discusses its themes in a conversation with Maggie Nelson in their Los Angeles home.

Maggie Nelson


​"I feel like a subject chooses you—chooses me—probably based out of reading and life, both." Maggie Nelson talks about the process of writing her most recent ​book, The Argonauts (Graywolf Press, 2015), in an interview with Leah Newsom at the 2015 NonfictioNow Conference in Flagstaff, Arizona. Nelson is a finalist for the 2015 National Book Critics Circle Award for the criticism prize.

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