Theater video tags: Kevin Coval

Ode to the Dive Bar


“the long, drunk room a darkened sanctuary. / windows blocked opaque to make day insignificant / light impaired.” In this short film, Kevin Coval reads “Ode to the Dive Bar” from his poetry collection Everything Must Go (Haymarket Books, 2019), illustrated by Langston Allston, which is featured in Page One in the November/December issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Poets & Writers Live: Chicago Highlights


Poets & Writers Live was at Chicago's Instituto Cervantes on June 20, 2015, for a program featuring Li-Young Lee, Marc Kelly Smith, Kevin Coval, Haki Madhubuti, Roger Reeves, Parneshia Jones, Megan Stielstra, and many other authors, editors, agents, and literary professionals. More information about this and other Poets & Writers Live events can be found at

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