Theater video tags: 2009

Lost Cat


"It's hard to protect a person you love from pain, because people often choose pain. I am a person who often chooses pain. An animal will never choose pain." Mary Gaitskill, whose new novel, The Mare (Pantheon Books, 2015), is featured in Page One in the November/December issue of Poets & Writers Magazine, reads from her personal essay "Lost Cat" (Granta, 2009) at Baruch College.

Audrey Niffenegger


The author of the novels The Time Traveler’s Wife (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2004) and Her Fearful Symmetry (Scribner, 2009) reads from her new graphic novel Raven Girl, featured in this issue's The Written Image, at the Royal Opera House in London.


The Mansion of Happiness


This animated film by Vanessa Woods, with sound by Cheryl E. Leonard and Anka Draugelates, was inspired by The Mansion of Happiness, a poetry collection by Robin Ekiss published by the University of Georgia Press in 2009. Featuring original photograms and hundreds of nineteenth-century collage elements, it explores "the philosophical boundaries between myth and memory and between our inner and outer worlds."


Kevin Wilson

  • Winner of the 2009 Shirley Jackson Award for his story collection, Tunneling to the Center of the Earth, Kevin Wilson discusses his new novel, The Family Fang, which will be published in August by Ecco. About the difference between writing a story and a novel, he says, "The short story is this car and you just drive it into a tree... With a novel I had to keep reminding myself to drive as far as I could, to get as many miles as I could out of it before I crashed it."


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