Editorial Focus
SWING is devoted to excellent poetry, fiction, essays, and comic art in print, and the editors are committed to a design that speaks to the contents within. The look and feel of their issues will always reflect the natural world and human hands that made them. The editors approach their work of selection as one of mapping the cultural zeitgeist, which begins in the American South, a place of contradiction and complication, difference and dialogue. They might begin in Nashville, but who knows where their writers will take them.
Tips From the Editor
We want to hear your voice, your complex, messy human voice, in our ears as we lean back. Then we want to be pushed. We read for that moment of flight, where we have no idea where we are going, but trust the hand on our backs pushing higher. Because every piece gets three or four readers, there’s little chance that it has not gotten read all the way through by at least one SWING staff member. We strive to give the most constructive rejections possible; we do this with the help of very astute and sensitive readers who give great feedback, which we pass on to writers.
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