
Publications & Prizes
- Finalist, Sexton Prize, Eyewear Publishing, The Alarmist, full-length, spring 2019
- Nimrod Literary Awards: Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry Quarter-Finalist, 2018
- Pushcart Prize Nomination, “Flight,” 2016
- Best New Poets Nomination, “Flight,” 2016
- Winner, Atlantis Poetry Award, Poet’s Billow, spring 2016
- Finalist, Bermuda Triangle Prize and Pangaea Prize, Poet’s Billow, fall 2014
- Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, summer 2012
- Top 50 Best New Poets 2010 as chosen by Claudia Emerson
- Nominated for the AWP Intro Journals Project, 2007 and 2008
- Finalist, The Laurel Review's Midwest Chapbook Series Award, 2007
- Emma Howell Memorial Poetry Prize, Oberlin College, 2005
- Coluccio Salutati Prize for Academic Excellence, Syracuse University in Florence, Italy, 2004