Theater video tags: David Foster Wallace

The End of the Tour


Based on David Lipsky’s book Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace (Broadway Books, 2010), this forthcoming film follows Lipsky's five-day interview with David Foster Wallace just after the publication of his book Infinite Jest (Little, Brown, 1996). The film is directed by James Ponsoldt with a screenplay by Donald Margulies.

The Pale King


On April 15 Little, Brown will publish The Pale King, David Foster Wallace's final, unfinished novel. In this BBC documentary, Geoff Ward discusses the life and works of the author who committed suicide in 2008, at the age of forty-six. Ward also talks to Wallace's editor, Michael Pietsch, about the difficult task of assembling Wallace's final fragments into The Pale King.

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