Theater video tags: 2015

George Hodgman


"I always, always wanted to write a book and I had been carrying around little slivers, and this emotional moment allowed me to access everything." George Hodgman speaks with PBS NewsHour's Judy Woodruff about his memoir, Bettyville (Viking, 2015), which explores his experiences caring for his aging mother.

Kim Gordon and Carrie Brownstein


In a talk at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, Kim Gordon of the band Sonic Youth discusses her memoir Girl in a Band (Dey Street Books, 2015) with Carrie Brownstein of the band Sleater-Kinney. Brownstein's memoir, Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl, is forthcoming in October from Penguin.


Paula Hawkins


"I like the fact that in Rachel's case, she's not just unreliable to the reader and to other characters, but even to herself. She can't trust herself." Author Paula Hawkins speaks about the main character of her debut novel, The Girl on the Train (Riverhead Books, 2015), with Becky Anderson, owner of Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville, Illinois.


William Archila


William Archila speaks with author Mariano Zaro about his early influences and how growing up as an immigrant in the United States has made an impact on his writing. Archila’s new poetry collection, The Gravediggers Archaeology (Red Hen Press, 2015), is featured in Page One of the new issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.



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