Theater video tags: Dey Street Books

The Magic Border by Arlo Parks


“Writing poetry, to me, is about profound interiority. It’s about wading into the saltwater of your own body: capillaries bursting, eyes brimming, unmoored.” In this video, singer-songwriter Arlo Parks discusses her debut collection, The Magic Border: Poetry and Fragments From My Soft Machine (Dey Street Books, 2023), which features twenty poems and lyrics from her studio album My Soft Machine.


Kim Gordon and Carrie Brownstein


In a talk at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, Kim Gordon of the band Sonic Youth discusses her memoir Girl in a Band (Dey Street Books, 2015) with Carrie Brownstein of the band Sleater-Kinney. Brownstein's memoir, Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl, is forthcoming in October from Penguin.

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