Theater video tags: Audible

A Conversation With Ariel Levy


“The best writing advice I ever got was, don’t give up and you can be a writer, if you work really hard and don’t stop writing.” In this Audible interview, New Yorker staff writer and author Ariel Levy speaks about finding her voice, writing about women’s lives, her experience with maternal grief, and her memoir, The Rules Do Not Apply (Random House, 2017).

Stephen Markley


“I plot beforehand to the extent that I have an idea of where I’m going, but I’m always willing to toss that out the window...” Stephen Markley talks about his start as a writer, his writing habits, and the publication of his first novel, Ohio (Simon & Schuster, 2018), which is featured in Page One in the September/October issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

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