Theater video tags: Irvine Welsh

Irvine Welsh


“You’ve got to do two very contradictory things as a writer: you’ve got to enjoy spending a lot of time alone—and a lot of people don’t—and you’ve also got to go out and see about the world and immerse yourself in that world....” Irvine Welsh, whose latest novel, Dead Men’s Trousers, is forthcoming from Melville House in February, contemplates the words of wisdom and advice he would offer to young writers in this interview with Christian Lund for Louisiana Channel.


T2 Trainspotting


T2 Trainspotting is the sequel to director Danny Boyle’s 1996 film, Trainspotting, an adaptation of Irvine Welsh’s debut novel of the same name. The sequel, based on Welsh’s novel Porno (Norton, 2002), takes place twenty years later and reunites cast members Ewen Bremner, Robert Carlyle, Kelly Macdonald, Ewan McGregor, and Jonny Lee Miller.

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