Editorial Focus
Azure publishes work that is linguistically, intellectually, and emotionally demanding of its reader. It seeks pieces that increase in complexity upon each visitation and exhibit a density worthy of scholarly or artistic study. Azure’s aesthetic tends towards ornate, cerebral, and voluptuous prose/poetry executed with thematic intent. Experimental, craft-driven works and pieces written in distinctly Victorian/modernist styles can be found within these pages.
Tips From the Editor
We accept literary fiction, novel excerpts, creative nonfiction, screenplays, stageplays, fragments, meanderings, philosophy and poetry (but no AI-generated work!). We are not concerned with genre distinctions; we want only for it to be thoughtful, intelligent, and beautiful. All writers tend to develop a scrap heap of brilliant writing—sharp dialogue that has been cut in service of a plot, a philosophical tirade that can’t quite be couched in a narrative, a stunning imagistic landscape of linguistic pyrotechnics that deserves an audience, literary beauty that cannot necessarily be expressed in more than bursts and fragments.