Theater video tags: Fred Moten

City Lights Live: Fred Moten With Douglas Kearney


In this virtual reading and conversation for the City Lights Live series, Douglas Kearney reads a series of poems in response to Fred Moten’s essay “Knowledge of Freedom” before introducing the poet who reads from his latest collection, Perennial Fashion Presence Falling (Wave Books, 2023).


Jericho Brown and Fred Moten


For this RaceB4Race Symposium event sponsored by Arizona State University’s Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Jericho Brown reads from his Pulitzer Prize–winning collection, The Tradition (Copper Canyon Press, 2019), and Fred Moten reads from his collection The Feel Trio (Letter Machine Editions, 2014). The poets discuss everything from their earliest memories of reading poetry to Prince songs and Shakespeare in a conversation moderated by Ayanna Thompson.


Fred Moten


Fred Moten reads from his poetry collection The Service Porch (Letter Machine Editions, 2016) at an event cosponsored by San Francisco State University’s Poetry Center and the Green Arcade bookstore. Moten received a Grant to Artist award for 2018 from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts.

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