Theater video tags: Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life

Yiyun Li


“What one carries from one point to another, geographically or temporally, is one’s self.” Yiyun Li reads from her debut memoir, Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life (Random House, 2017), in this video produced by the Office of Communications at Princeton University. Li, whose novel Where Reasons End is forthcoming from Random House in February, is featured in “Portraits of Inspiration” in the January/February issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

How to Transform a Situation Into a Story


“A story is made up of situations.” In this Skillshare video, Yiyun Li explains the difference between an everyday situation and a story. Li’s debut memoir, Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life (Random House, 2017), is featured in Page One in the March/April issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

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