Watch videos; listen to audio clips, including readings by authors featured in Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin; and view slideshows related to articles and features published in Poets & Writers Magazine.
The Bard Behind the Bar
Ampersands in the World

Sabina Murray on Tales of the New World
"The Sirens" by Tomaž Šalamun
Joan Didion’s Blue Nights
"Evoking the Dawn" by Nate Pritts
The Corner Library
Moby-Dick in Pictures by Matt Kish

Floating Worlds: The Letters of Edward Gorey and Peter F. Neumeyer

Portraits From MFA Nation

"Pretty Convincing" by Tim Dlugos
Steve Earle's "The Gulf of Mexico"
Josh Ritter's "The Curse"
Behind the Scenes at a Poets & Writers Cover Shoot
Writing Contest Advice
It & Co. by Tracy K. Smith
Book Paintings by Mike Stilkey

The Future of Family-Friendly Residencies
Behind the Design of This Issue's Inspiring Cover
Jefferson Rabb's Artful Author Websites

DIY: How to Coptic Bind a Chapbook
Behind the Scenes at a Poets & Writers Photo Shoot
DIY: How to Make a Pocket-Size Book

DIY: How to Coptic Bind a Chapbook