
Watch videos; listen to audio clips, including readings by authors featured in Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin; and view slideshows related to articles and features published in Poets & Writers Magazine

Your Face in Mine by Jess Row

Jess Row reads an excerpt from his novel, Your Face in Mine, published in August by Riverhead Books. Your Face in Mine It doesn’t seem possible, even now, that it could begin the way it begins, in the blank light...

The Other Side by Lacy M. Johnson

Lacy M. Johnson reads an excerpt from her memoir The Other Side, forthcoming in July from Tin House Books. I crash through the screen door, arms flailing like two loose propellers, stumbling like a woman on fire: hair and clothes...

Once I Was Cool by Megan Stielstra

Megan Stielstra reads an excerpt from her debut essay collection, Once I Was Cool, forthcoming in May from Curbside Splendor. Stop Reading and Listen   1. Just after we eloped and just before the housing market crashed, my...

Mad Honey Symposium by Sally Wen Mao

Sally Wen Mao reads five poems from her debut collection, Mad Honey Symposium, forthcoming in May from Alice James Books. Valentine for a Flytrap You are a hairy painting. I belong to your jaw.Nothing slakes you—no...

Talkativeness by Michael Earl Craig

Michael Earl Craig reads four poems from his collection Talkativeness, published in April by Wave Books. Quick Sketch of a Bullet There is a bullet here on my desk.Tipped over on its side.Its jacket is brassand...

Praying Drunk by Kyle Minor

Kyle Minor reads the first story in his new collection, Praying Drunk, published in February by Sarabande Books. The Question of Where We Begin We begin with the trouble, but where does the trouble begin? My uncle...

Cadaver, Speak by Marianne Boruch

Marianne Boruch reads three poems from her new collection, Cadaver, Speak, published in February by Copper Canyon Press. Face On winter's long red-eye out of Anchorage, small lampsnear the floor madea grainy blurry...

If At First You Don't Succeed...

Miranda Beverly-Whittemore is one of three novelists, profiled by Emily Raboteau in "If At First You Don't Succeed" (March/April 2014), who persevered despite the commercial "failure" of early books. From the profile: In her mid twenties, Miranda...

YesYes Books

In addition to traditional poetry collections and chapbooks, independent press YesYes Books also publishes a number of experimental and multimedia works, many of which incorporate visual art. Since its founding in 2011, the press's innovative...

Literati Bookstore

Beginning in January 2013, Michael Gustafson and Hilary Lowe spent nearly three months renovating a twenty-six-hundred-square-foot storefront in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to prepare for the grand opening of Literati Bookstore. Not everything went...

Little Failure by Gary Shteyngart

Gary Shteyngart reads an excerpt from his memoir, Little Failure, forthcoming from Random House in January. Excerpted with permission by Random House, a division of Random House, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be...

Radiance of Tomorrow by Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah reads an excerpt from his forthcoming novel, Radiance of Tomorrow, published in January by Sarah Crichton Books. She was the first to arrive where it seemed the wind no longer exhaled. Several miles from town, the...

Unterberg Poetry Center at Seventy-Five

This year the storied Unterberg Poetry Center at the 92nd Street Y in New York City celebrates its seventy-fifth anniversary. The first in a series of events to mark the occasion, an exhibition called Love the Words—which includes more than...

The Isle of Youth by Laura van den Berg

Laura van den Berg reads a story excerpt from her forthcoming collection, The Isle of Youth, published in November by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. I Looked For You, I Called Your Name The first thing that went wrong...

Matt Kish's Heart of Darkness

In November Tin House Books will publish artist Matt Kish's illustrated adaptation of Joseph Conrad's inimitable novel Heart of Darkness. Kish, whose first graphic adaptation, Moby-Dick in Pictures, was published by Tin House in...

3 Sections by Vijay Seshadri

Vijay Seshadri reads three poems from his latest collection, 3 Sections, published in September by Graywolf Press. Imaginary Number The mountain that remains when the universe is destroyedis not big and is not...

Son of a Gun by Justin St. Germain

Justin St. Germain reads from his debut memoir, Son of a Gun, published in August by Random House.   I was riding my bike home from class when a plane roared overhead, a green A-10 flying so low I could read its markings. I took my...

The Forage House by Tess Taylor

Tess Taylor reads four poems from her debut collection, The Forage House, published in August by Red Hen Press. Big Granny When they found Emeline, a nailheld her sack dress together at the neck. She lived by...
