Okwudili Nebeolisa


Minneapolis, MN
Minnesota US

Author's Bio

Okwudili Nebeolisa is the author of Terminal Maladies, (Autumn House Press, 2024), selected by Nicole Sealey as the winner of the 2023 Center for African American Poetry and Poetics Prize. He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop where he was a Provost Fellow and won the Prairie Lights John Leggett Prize for Fiction.

His poems have appeared in The Cincinnati ReviewImageThe New England ReviewPOETRYSewanee ReviewSouthern Review, and Threepenny Review. His fiction has appeared in Evergreen Review, while his nonfiction has been published in Catapult and Commonwealth Writers. He is an MFA student in fiction at the University of Minnesota where he is the recipient of a Gesell Award for Excellence in Poetry. He is a recipient of support from the Elizabeth George Foundation, Granum Foundation, and the Center for the Art Crested Butte. He is currently a poetry editor at Post Road Magazine.

Publications & Prizes

Prizes won: 
  • Center for African American Poetry and Poetics Prize 2023
  • Elizabeth George Grant 2023
  • 1st Runner-Up, Granum Foundation Fellowship Prize 2021

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Born in: 
Kaduna, KD
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Dec 26, 2024