Publications & Prizes
The Heron's Nest Award (Dec.2005); First Prize,6th International Klostar Ivanic Haiku Contest In English 2009 ; Second Prize, First International Klostar Ivanic Haiku Contest In English 2004; The Haiku Foundation HaikuNow! International Haiku Contest 2010(Noteworthy Innovative Poem); Poem of the Year Third Runner-up, The Heron's Nest Valentine Awards (2006); The Scorpion Prize (2010); 2007 Pinewood Haiku Contest First Place;2009 Pinewood Haiku Contest Third Place; 12th Haiku International Association Haiku Contest Honorable Mention(2010); 2010 Mainichi Haiku Contest Honorable Mention;XII Calico Cat International Bilingual Haiku Contest First Prize(2011); Semifinalist, Ito En North America New Haiku Grand Prix 2011(June 2011);Second Place, April 2006 Shiki Kukai; First Prize, 2007 Hammons Prizes for Poetry; Second Prize, Bulgarian National Radio's Zone of Rock and Jazz (2006, music and haiku contest); Genkissu Spirits Up! Worldwide Hekinan Haiku Contest prize (2006,2007); Short Listed, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2007; Mainichi Haiku Contest International Second Prize ( 2007, 2008); 2008 Sakura Award ( Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival); Kaji Aso Studio International Haiku Contest Honorable Mention (2008); World Haiku Festival Competition 2010 ( 2 Honorable Mentions); 6 Tanka Splendor Awards; The Saigyo Awards for Tanka Honorable Mention ( 2009, 2010); 2007 Dwarf Stars Award nomination; Basho 360th Anniversary Haiku Contest Award (2004);2011 Mainichi Haiku Contest Honorable Mention; First Place,Fort Worth Haiku Society Tanka Contest (2006); First Place, Fort Worth Haiku Society Senryu Contest(2006); Allasso Editor's Choice Award for Best Poem (2011); Hennen's Observer Open Community Poetry Contest Runner-Up (2011);Runner-Up, The Haiku Foundation HaikuNow! International Haiku Contest 2012(Innovative Category); 2nd Place, 2012 B.J. Rolfsen Memorial Dylan Days Creative Writing Contest (Open Poetry Division); Waka Award from DIOGEN pro culture magazine (Autumn 2012); Commendation, Sharpening The Green Pencil Haiku Contest ( Romania, 2012); Runner-Up, 2012 Basho Festival Haiku Contest (Japan);Commendation, Polish International Haiku Competition 2012; 1st Prize, 2012 Science Fiction Poetry Association Contest (Long Poem Category); 10th International Klostar Ivanic Haiku Contest In English Honorable Mention (2013); Third Prize,DIOGEN pro culture magazine Spring Tanka Contest 2013; Second Prize,International Kusamakura Haiku Competition 2013; First Prize, DIOGEN pro culture magazine Autumn Haiku Contest 2013; Commended,2014 Vladimir Devide Haiku Award; Honorable Mention,Jane Reichhold International Prize ( 2014); First Prize, Betty Drevniok Awards 2014; First Place, 2014 Balticon Poetry Contest; Commended, Vladimir Devide Haiku Award 2015; Honorable Mention, Jane Reichhold International Prize ( 2015); 2015 Princemere Poetry Prize finalist; Honorable Mention, Jane Reichhold International Prize (2016); Semifinalist, Ito En North America New Haiku Grand Prix 2016; 2007 Pushcart Prize nomination; 2014 Rhysling Award nomination; Semifinalist, Ito En North America New Haiku Grand Prix 2017; First Prize, Polish International Haiku Competition 2017; Honorable Mention, OtherWordly Intergalactic Haiku Competition 2019; Highly Commended, H. Gene Murtha Memorial Senryu Contest 2019; Second Place, Jane Reichhold International Prize 2019; Haiku In English Award for Excellence, 9th Setouchi Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku Contest ( 2020), Sharpening The Green Pencil Haiku Contest 2021 ( Honorable Mention); Runner-Up, Society of Classical Poets 2021 Haiku Competition; Honorable Mention, 4th Star Haiku Contest (2023); one of 10 winning poems, Basho-an International English Haiku Competition 2023; Honorable Mention, Maya Lyubenova International Haiku Contest 2024; Honorable Mention, Fleeting Words Tanka Contest 2024