Theater video tags: Megan Fernandes

Megan Fernandes on Humor and Humiliation


“Humor is humanizing and it helps us remain in a space of authenticity and lightness.” In this video for PBS NewsHour’s “Brief But Spectacular” series, Megan Fernandes offers her take on humor and humiliation in poetry and reads a poem from her collection I Do Everything I’m Told (Tin House, 2023). For more from Fernandes, read her installment of our Craft Capsule series.


Adrienne Raphel and Megan Fernandes at the American Library in Paris


Watch Megan Fernandes, author of I Do Everything I’m Told (Tin House, 2023), and Adrienne Raphel, author of Our Dark Academia (Rescue Press, 2022), read from their work and discuss their poetry collections in this reading held at the American Library in Paris. 

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