Editorial Focus
Sho Poetry Journal is a small-press Arizona-based print journal coming out of a twenty-year hibernation. We publish a diverse range of contemporary poetry and seek to give voice to poets who have been historically underrepresented or overlooked. We champion poets at all stages of their careers.
Tips From the Editor
Our tastes are eclectic. We look for work that engages us with energy, clarity, and vulnerability, with a focus on voice and image.
Our average response time is two weeks. We attempt to respond to all submissions within one month or less.
During specific reading periods, we accept paper submissions from incarcerated writers only. Submissions must include an SASE. We do not accept submissions via email or our website.
Submissions are read by both editors of Shō: Johnny Cordova and Dominique Ahkong.
Read our full submission guidelines: www.shopoetryjournal.com/submissions
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