La Mosca is the literary and arts magazine of Northeastern Illinois University. They are looking for poetry, creative nonfiction, visual art, short fiction, and hybrid work that either makes them think, feel, laugh, experiments with form...
Read moreLiterary Magazines
Find a home for your poems, stories, essays, and reviews by researching the publications vetted by our editorial staff and listed in the Literary Magazines database. Here you’ll find editorial policies, submission guidelines, and contact information—everything you need to determine which publications match your vision for your writing and your writing life. Use the filters below to find magazines with reading periods that are open now or opening soon (within the next thirty days), accept unsolicited submissions, and match all of your criteria for the perfect publisher of your work.
Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Translation
La Piccioletta Barca is an arts journal publishing: short stories, poetry, prose, essays, interviews, and translations. They will only be receiving submissions through their Submittable profile. The editors do not discriminate...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Translation -
The Lascaux Review seeks accessible fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction of literary quality. Annual contests are conducted in poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and short fiction.
Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction -
Themed issues with suggested prompts, but open to off-topic submissions of strong, personal, timely, or narrative poetry. Find the latest prompt on Last Stanza Poetry’s Facebook page. There's no reading fee. Prize of $100 for one...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: PoetrySubgenres: BIPOC Voices, Experimental, Feminist, LGBTQ Voices, Poetry, Prose Poetry, Translation, Visual Poetry -
The Letters Page literary journal is published by the University of Nottingham School of English, and edited by writer in residence, Professor Jon McGregor. It is interested in exploring what letter writing means to people—and has meant...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative NonfictionSubgenres: Autobiography/Memoir, Commercial Fiction, Cross-genre, Experimental, Feminist, Flash Fiction, Formal Poetry, Graphic/Illustrated, Healing/Health, Historical, Humor, Journalism/Investigative Reporting, LGBTQ Voices, Literary Fiction, Love, Narrative Nonfiction, Nature/Environmental, Political, Pop Culture, Prose Poetry, Regional, Religious/Spiritual, Serialized Fiction, Translation, War -
Levitate aims to be inclusive, both in terms of the authors and the types of work they accept. They want to create a safe and comfortable place for writers of all backgrounds. They recognize that the writing industry has been predominantly...
Read moreReading Period: Nov 7 to Feb 28Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction -
The Lindenwood Review, an annual online literary journal, publishes fiction (short stories and flash fiction), creative nonfiction (personal essays, lyric essays, and flash nonfiction), and prose poems (paragraph format; no line breaks...
Read moreReading Period: Jul 1 to Oct 1Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative NonfictionSubgenres: Creative Nonfiction, Flash Fiction, Literary Fiction, Lyric Essay, Prose Poetry, Short Fiction -
Lines + Stars began in 2006 as a means of establishing a new creative forum in Washington, D.C., a city that all-too-often coasts on its more mechanistic pursuits. As of 2017, they operate out of Baltimore, Maryland. L+S Press, their...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Apr 1, Jul 1 to Oct 1Subgenres: Cross-genre, Experimental, Micro-poetry, Poetry, Prose Poetry, Speculative Poetry, Visual Poetry -
LIT is an alumni and student run tri-annual literary magazine that is published by the New School’s Creative Writing MFA program. LIT wishes to promote innovative writing, art, and translation in the digital literary landscape...
Reading Period: Apr 15 to Jun 15, Sep 15 to Dec 15Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Translation -
Literary Forest Poetry Magazine is dedicated to publishing the best in experimental poetry in the most equitable way possible. LFPM strives to expose great literary work and support all of the poets published within.
Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: PoetrySubgenres: BIPOC Voices, Experimental, Feminist, LGBTQ Voices, Poetry, Prose Poetry, Speculative Poetry, Translation -
Literary Veganism is looking for animal or environmentally friendly writing. Authors do not have to be vegan to submit, but many readers are vegan.
Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative NonfictionSubgenres: Flash Fiction, Literary Fiction, Poetry, Prose Poetry -
Litmosphere—formerly home for Charlotte Lit’s Lit/South Awards winners and finalists—is now an open submission, paying online literary and art journal, published twice a year. Submissions of art, flash (fiction and nonfiction up...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Jan 31, Jul 1 to Jul 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative NonfictionSubgenres: Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Literary Fiction, Poetry, Prose Poetry, Short Fiction -
Litro USA fosters a national community for innovative writing and creative works. They connect cultures, encourage dialogues via technology and arts, and ensure literature’s prominence in popular culture by backing writers and artists...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Translation -
Live Mag! began as a vehicle for presenting live poetry. It has evolved from that original mission of showcasing poets in a live performance. Now, in addition to hosting numerous performance events each year, the issues are in print and...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to May 30Temporarily Closed to SubmissionsGenre: Poetry, TranslationSubgenres: Graphic/Illustrated, Prose Poetry -
Founded in 1997, the Long River Review is an annual literary journal of art and literature staffed by undergraduates at the University of Connecticut. Today, Long River Review is dedicated to championing the best work from...
Read moreReading Period: Sep 15 to Dec 15Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Translation -
Lotus-eater is an online literary magazine based in Rome.
Its aesthetic is dark, eclectic, and often experimental. The editors are interested in daring, unusual writing, and striking images.
Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative NonfictionSubgenres: Experimental, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Humor, Literary Fiction, Micro-poetry, Nonfiction, Poetry, Prose Poetry, Translation -
Loud Coffee Press is a quarterly unpretentious and unapologetic literary journal that focuses on three things the editors love: flash fiction, coffee, and music. They look for writing that hovers in that perfect brew spot of 195 to 205...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Subgenres: Cross-genre, Experimental, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Literary Fiction, Poetry, Prose Poetry, Speculative Fiction -
Founded in 2009, Lowestoft Chronicle is an online literary magazine, published quarterly, accepting flash fiction, short stories, poetry, interviews, and creative nonfiction. Preference is given to humorous submissions with an emphasis...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction -
Lucky Jefferson’s mission is simple: publish social change. They reimagine books by creating interactive and collaborative community experiences that center the writer and artist and cultivate inclusive representation in...
Read moreReading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction