Rose Facchini


Publications & Prizes

365 Tomorrows, a story by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian
Asymptote, a story by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian
ergot., a story by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian
Exacting Clam, a story by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian
Fictive Dream, stories by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian
Heimat Review, a poem by Irene Moccia, translated from the Italian
Heimat Review, a poem by Stefano De Vecchi, translated from the Italian
Intrinsick, a story by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian
West Branch, stories by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian
Wyldblood Press, a story by Diego Lama, translated from the Italian

More Information

Fluent in: 
English, Italian
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Sep 19, 2024