Rooja Mohassessy


Dobbins, CA
California US

Author's Bio

Rooja Mohassessy is an Iranian-born poet and educator. She is a 2022 MacDowell Fellow and a recent graduate of the Pacific University MFA program in Oregon. Her debut collection When Your Sky Runs Into Mine was the winner of the 22nd Annual Elixir Poetry Award and will be released by Elixir Press in February 2023. Her poems and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Narrative Magazine, Poet Lore, RHINO Poetry, Southern Humanities Review, CALYX Journal, Ninth Letter, Cream City Review, The Adroit Journal, New Letters, The Florida Review, Poetry Northwest, The Pinch, The Rumpus, and elsewhere.


Writers Retreats: 

Publications & Prizes

When Your Sky Runs Into Mine (Elixir Press, 2023)
Prizes won: 

Annual Elixir Poetry Award

Personal Favorites

Favorite authors: 
Sylvia Plath, Kaveh Akbar, Kwame Dawes, Louise Glück, Shara McCallum, Ellen Bass, Yusef Komunyakaa, Forrest Gander, and others.
What I'm reading now: 
Customs by Solmaz Sharif

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Identifies as: 
Iranian American
Prefers to work with: 
Fluent in: 
Chinese, English, French, Italian, Persian
Born in: 
Raised in: 
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Nov 05, 2022