Anthologies: Bird Whistle: An Anthology of Contemporary Bird Haiku (bottle rockets press, 2023)
Earthworks (Press Here, 2023)
Shaping Water: Erotic Haiku and Tanka (Moth Orchid Press, 2022)
jar of rain: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, 2020 ed. (Red Moon Press, 2021)
Another Trip Around the Sun: 365 Days of Haiku for Children Young and Old (Brooks Books, 2020)
The Ohio Haiku Anthology (Cuttlefish Books, 2020)
A New Resonance 11: Emerging Voices in English-language Haiku (Red Moon Press, 2019)
Poets to Come: A Poetry Anthology (Local Gems Press, 2019)
old song: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, 2017 ed. (Red Moon Press, 2018)
galaxy of dust: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, 2015 ed. (Red Moon Press, 2016)
Something Out of Nothing (Red Moon Press, 2014)
Now This: Contemporary Poems of Beginnings, Renewals, and Firsts (Wasteland Press, 2013)
evolution: The Red Moon Anthology of English-language Haiku, 2010 ed. (Red Moon Press, 2011)
Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka Vol. 3 (Modern English Tanka Press, 2011)
seed packets: an anthology of flower haiku (bottle rockets press, 2010)
Dust of Summers: The Red Moon Anthology of English-language Haiku, 2007 ed. (Red Moon Press, 2008)