Page One: Where New and Noteworthy Books Begin

From the May/June 2016 issue of
Poets & Writers Magazine

I Have a Time Machine // But unfortunately it can only travel into the future / at a rate of one second per second, // which seems slow to the physicists and to the grant / committees and even to me.” So Much Synth (Copper Canyon Press, May 2016) by Brenda Shaughnessy. Fourth book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Michael Wiegers. Publicist: Kelly Forsythe.

“Ten years ago, I helped a handful of men take my little brother’s life.” The Reactive (Two Dollar Radio, May 2016) by Masande Ntshanga. First book, novel. Agent: Jessica Craig. Editor: Eric Obenauf. Publicist: Eric Obenauf.

“In June, the book club was at Zoe’s house, which meant that Elizabeth had to carry her heavy ceramic bowl of spinach salad with walnuts and bits of crumbled goat cheese a grand total of half a block.” Modern Lovers (Riverhead Books, May 2016) by Emma Straub. Fourth book, third novel. Agent: Claudia Ballard. Editor: Sarah McGrath. Publicist: Claire McGinnis.

“When I was seventeen and a sophomore in college, I took any course that interested me.” Violation: Collected Essays (Hawthorne Books, April 2016) by Sallie Tisdale. Eighth book, first essay collection. Agent: Kim Witherspoon. Editor: Rhonda Hughes. Publicist: Rhonda Hughes.

“We’d been settled at the camp only a year, though Momma said it may as well have been forever.” Man and Wife (A Strange Object, May 2016) by Katie Chase. First book, story collection. Agent: Jin Auh. Editor: Jill Meyers. Publicist: Alyson Sinclair.

“Ronnie swore it was talk and nothing more.” Late One Night (Dzanc Books, May 2016) by Lee Martin. Ninth book, fifth novel. Agent: Allison Cohen. Editor: Guy Intoci. Publicist: Michael Seidlinger. 

“She was Malinka again the moment she got on the train, and she found it neither a pleasure nor a burden, having long since stopped noticing.” Ladivine (Knopf, April 2016) by Marie NDiaye, translated from the French by Jordan Stump. Twelfth book, eleventh novel. Agent: Georges Borchardt. Editor: George Andreou. Publicist: Josefine Kals.

“Raccoons have invaded the crawl space / of my sister’s bridal apartment.” Collected Poems: 1974–2004 (Norton, May 2016) by Rita Dove. Thirteenth book, tenth poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Jill Bialosky. Publicist: Alice Rha.

“There she was, Alice Culvert, a little taller than most, her figure fuller than she would have liked.” Alice & Oliver (Random House, April 2016) by Charles Bock. Second book, novel. Agent: Jim Rutman. Editor: Andrea Walker. Publicist: Michelle Jasmine.

“Next to my primary and junior schools, in the small town where I grew up (Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) was a large recreation park.” White Sands: Experiences From the Outside World (Pantheon Books, May 2016) by Geoff Dyer. Fifteenth book, fourth essay collection. Agent: Andrew Wylie. Editor: Dan Frank. Publicists: Kimberly Burns and Michiko Clark.

“It is estimated that over 20,000 people have died at sea making the journey from North Africa to Europe in the past two decades.” The Black Maria (BOA Editions, April 2016) by Aracelis Girmay. Third book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Peter Conners. Publicist: Jenna Fisher.

“O, sing…undo the world with blued song / born from newly freed throats.” Olio (Wave Books, April 2016) by Tyehimba Jess. Second book, poetry collection. Agent: None. Editor: Matthew Zapruder. Publicists: Brittany Dennison and Kima Jones.

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