November/December 2002

Donna Tartt, author of The Secret History, talks about her new novel, The Little Friend.


Murder in Mind: A Profile of Donna Tartt

by Therese Eiben
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An interview with the author of The Secret History and The Little Friend.

From Bosnia with Love: A Profile of Aleksandar Hemon

by Dylan Foley
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An interview with the Bosnian writer about his first novel, Nowhere Man.

Quiet Revolution: A Profile of Frederic Tuten

by Chris Lombardi
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An interview with the novelist on his latest book, The Green Hour.

Translation, Please

Literary Translation in America: Four Experts Talk About Their Art

by Aviya Kushner
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Four translators discuss the challenges and rewards of translation.

Transplanting Tagore: Collaboration in Translation

by Wendy Barker
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Collaborating on the work of Rabindranath Tagore, India's Nobel Prize-winning poet.

Babel Revisited: An Interview with Translator Peter Constantine

by Jeff Parker
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Interview with Peter Constantine, translator of Isaac Babel.

Jamaica: Into Print

by Claudia La Rocco
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Translating Jamaican poetry.

News and Trends

Resurrecting an Ancient Library

by Reza Aslan

Two thousand years after it was destroyed by fire, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina—the mythic Egyptian library that at one time boasted a universal collection of everything ever written—as reopened to the public on October 16.


A Global Book Club's Traveling Titles

by Ethan Gilsdorf

After finishing About a Boy by Nick Hornby, a reader in New York City left it on a Starbucks magazine rack with hopes that someone would pick up the novel and read it. Two days later a reader from Delta, British Columbia, found the book, took it back to Canada, read it, and left it in the waiting room of a dentist's office, where it found its way into the hands of another local reader. The tracking of such a literary journey is made possible by a unique online book club called

Alice James Books Marks Thirty Years

by Joy Jacobson

Alice James Books has published about 130 books by an eclectic list of poets including Jane Kenyon, Fanny Howe, B.H. Fairchild, Timothy Liu, and Rita Gabis, and it will celebrate its 30th anniversary with a yearlong schedule of events in 2003.

Literary MagNet

by Staff

Literary MagNet chronicles the start-ups and closures, successes and failures, anniversaries and accolades, changes of editorship and special issues—in short, the news and trends—of literary magazines in America. This issue's MagNet features New Letters, Brick, The Ohio Review, 96 Inc, Poetry Review, Gloss, and Explorations.

The Practical Writer

Katie Ford and Lauren Winner: Parables

by Joanna Smith Rakoff
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A profile of two debut writers and the Christian themes of their work.

The Literary Life

Fiction 21c: Is Domestic Versus Epic a Fair Fight?

by Laura Green
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An update on the argument about domestic versus epic novels.
