Six fellowships of $5,000, professional mentoring from fiction and nonfiction writer Jennifer Weiner, and access to creative writing workshops at the Philadelphia-based creative writing nonprofit Blue Stoop will be given to emerging fiction or nonfiction writers who identify as women (including those who are transgender, cisgender, and nonbinary) and who have not previously published a book. Fellowships will be awarded to at least two writers of color, at least two parents, and at least two writers living in the greater Philadelphia area. Writers currently living in the United States are eligible. Jennifer Weiner and a committee of Blue Stoop staff and board members will judge. Submit three to five pages of prose by August 26. There is no entry fee. Visit the website for complete guidelines.
Blue Stoop, Jennifer Weiner Fellowships, c/o CultureTrust Greater Philadelphia, 1315 Walnut Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Taylor Townes, Codirector.
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