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Embodied Writing: A Generative Practice

This 90-minute generative writing class incorporates movement, breath, and meditation to help writers move beyond resistance and open to creative receptivity. After a short accessible movement and breath practice, participants will have the opportunity to write together in community for approximately 60 minutes. The session will close with a brief check-in and integration practice. Whether participants are working on an existing project and want accountability or are just beginning to explore a writing practice, all are welcome. Writing prompts will be offered at each session, but writers are encouraged to follow their own creative instincts. Offered on Zoom Thursdays from 9-10:30, starting Jan 19. Registration information here:

Elizabeth Fletcher, MFA, C-IAYT, RYT-500, helps people cultivate creativity and wholeness through the practice of yoga. Her fiction and nonfiction has appeared in Lost Balloon, Gone Lawn, The Leaping Clear, Tiferet and elsewhere. She is currently revising a spiritual memoir about finding home by leaving it.

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genre of interest: 
Preferred group size: 
Group meets for: 
Encouragement, Inspiration
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 5 members