Poetic Matrix Press

See writers who are published by this small press
Genres Published: 
Representative Authors: 
Francisco X. Alarcon, Lyn Lifshin, Brandon Cesmat, Gail & Charles Entrekin, James Downs, Grace Marie Grafton, Leroy Moore, Kim Shuck, Tomas Gayton
Reading Period: 
Jan 1 to Dec 31
Response Time: 
3 to 6 months
Charges Reading Fee: 
Publishes Through Contests Only: 
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: 
Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: 

Editorial Focus

Poetic Matrix Press was founded in the high mountain beauty of Yosemite in 1997 and has since grown into a press that is producing full-length books as fine as any that can be seen in any bookstore or library. They started by producing a newsletter of poetry and essays on the poetic experience. In 2000, they put out a nationwide call for manuscripts and published four manuscripts in chapbook format. Since 2001, they have published full-length perfect bound books, including books by poets in New York, Virginia, California, as well as Ireland, England, and Korea.

Tips From the Editor

We are happy to look over good-quality, well-written poetry, but we only publish three to five books per year. Please look over our titles to see the kind of work we publish before submitting. To a large extent we look for poetry that has turned the corner and gone from being caught in the wreak of one’s life to a more Buddhist understanding. We look for poetry that gives us the experience rather than tells us about it. Please send individual poems in the body of an email for review.

Contact Information

John Peterson, Publisher
P.O. Box 1223
Madera, CA 93639
Contact E-mail: 
Please note: The information provided in this database is provided by the publishers listed in it.
Last updated: Dec 03, 2024

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