8th & Atlas Publishing

Genres Published: 
Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Translation
Autobiography/Memoir, BIPOC Voices, Commercial Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Cross-genre, Experimental, Feminist, Flash Fiction, Graphic/Illustrated, Historical, Humor, Journalism/Investigative Reporting, LGBTQ Voices, Literary Fiction, Love, Lyric Essay, Narrative Nonfiction, Nature/Environmental, Political, Pop Culture, Regional, Serialized Fiction, Short Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Translation, War, Young Adult
Book Types: 
Short story collections, Essay collections, Novel, Memoir
Paperback, E-book, Audio
Reading Periods: 
Mar 1 to Mar 31
Sep 1 to Sep 30
Temporarily closed to submissions
Response Time: 
3 to 6 months
Charges Reading Fee: 
Publishes Through Contests Only: 
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: 
Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: 
Titles per Year: 
1 to 5

Editorial Focus

8th & Atlas Publishing is an international small press that is actively extending the cultural and creative spirit of the literary world. The family-run publishing house was established in 2020 by three siblings who maintain a love for storytelling and original writing styles. The aim of this outfit is to produce and share with the world bold works of merit and mastery penned by a community of champion writers.

Contact Information

Christina De Paris, Cofounder and CEO
911 Walnut Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Please note: The information provided in this database is provided by the publishers listed in it.
Last updated: Mar 12, 2024