Joshua Baldwin Recommends...

“Without fail, I am inspired to start writing a story in any hotel lobby, but particularly one with marble floors that is somewhat dim, at around three o’clock in the afternoon. I go into the gift shop and buy a bottle of soda, and then I sit down on a leather couch and stare at the several clocks and art posters on the wall. No one bothers me, everyone thinks I am a guest, waiting for my brother to finish up his call in the phone booth. There’s a fellow sitting alone at the bar, watching golf, chewing on a piece of shrimp. I take a piece of paper out of my pocket and jot down the first few lines of the story, and then rush out through the revolving doors. I hit the street like an idiot, and the hotel—once again—has been good to me.”
Joshua Baldwin, author of The Wilshire Sun (Turtle Point Press, 2011)


Hotel Lobby's

That is so true! You painted a great picture there (with the exception of the bottle of soda- kinda killed the image :-) At first I thought you meant you were always inclined to write about something happening in a hotel lobby- and so much can happen, with such a variety of characters. And then I realized ( I was distracted by a chainsaw hacking up a storm outside my window) that you meant you write in hotel lobbies. I agree, and have done so myself. It really is a crosroads for activity, dialogue, people watching. I often just jot down bits of conversation, or imagine why people are there. A few months ago this young man came up to me, in a hotel lobby, and asked if he could buy me a drink. I was flattered of course, but told him I was married. He smiled and said, that's okay, so am I. And that became inspiration for a story. But even the marble floors- clicking of heels, someone slipping, something dropped and smashing, drops of paint, the cold sensation of cheek to floor....