Which authors inspire you most?


We’ve shared our list of the fifty most inspiring authors in the world—those living authors who shake us awake, challenge our ideas of who we are, embolden our actions, and, above all, inspire us to live life more fully and creatively. Now we want to hear from you: Which authors inspire you most?

Post a comment and let us know. 


Inspiring authors.

For me, personally: Mikal Gilmore, Anne Lamott, Wally Lamb, Alice Walker, Henry Miller, John Irving and Robert Creeley.

Great Living Writers

Steven Millhauser, Mark Strand, Denis Johnson, Dennis Cooper, Jim Harrison, Thomas Pynchon, William T. Vollman, Charles Simic, Franz Wright, W.S. Merwin, George Saunders -- this list could go on & on & on, & maybe it should, but not here.

Poe Edgar A. Poe

He inspired my own mindworking as well as gave me insight to my own creativity. A story and poem by Poe a day is good for the soul

Edgar Allan Poe

As a poet/writer, I would have to say that my all time favorite writer would have to be Edgar Allan Poe. I not only love reading his poetry and short stories, but have come to love all the Rodger Corman classic horror films done using the works of Mr. Poe. He has served as a great inspiration in my writing whitin the horror genre, be it poetry or short stories. In my books . . . a great man of literature. Stewart E. Geworsky


STEVEN KING MUST HAVE.... Stephen King must have laughed aloud the first time he wrote an advanced, presold, New York Times Best Seller word. One word, just one word causes an electronic transfer to increase his wealth perhaps a cup of espresso. He must have giggled as the second cup poured into his coffers. In some parallel world, ‘Carrie’ still lies in the trash can awaiting delivery to the sidewalk with the eggshells and the coffee grounds. Nine dollars an hour part time will barely feed an imagination or buy gas for ‘Cristine’. My sweet Susan kisses the back of my neck as I hunch over the keyboard, planning an escape. Dawn light breaks the winter gray, making my table lamp somewhat redundant. The writers’ cramp I feel is in my butt. My scratchy eyes remind me I should sleep once in awhile. I write because I cannot do otherwise. Susan is already sewing in the next room. A stack of custom throw pillows lie backstage, awaiting their debut as a designer’s touch for some local parlor. Susan’s adult daughter is in the next room singing along with ‘Beauty and the Beast’, as I paint another tale of fear and victory. Stephen King must have smiled as fires blazed and monsters lurked in his mind, crouching to jump onto the page. Stephen King must have laughed the first time he realized he was getting paid for every word; words he could not give away in years past. The next road to the south is Vines Road. I am back to where I never was before. I can smell the coffee. Soon, some publisher will not say “No.”

Overall I'd have to say as

Overall I'd have to say as far as contemporary writers Hunter Thompson, Christopher Moore, and other authors like them inspire me. Their wit and being able to pull truth from fiction. I love that. The mythos of Hemmingway, the works of Fitzgerald these also inspire me, but in a different way. They are loftier, more "highbrow" I suppose. The "unattainable" goals which I'm reaching for.


So many are catalysts for creative inspiration, right? No particular order: Whitman (of course), Milton, Dickinson, Poe, Thoreau, Emerson, Alcott, Twain, Larkin, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Snyder, LeRoi Jones, O'Hara, Billy Collins, James Tate, Ashberry, Gerald Stern, Christine Hume, William T. Vollmann, Jhumpa Lahiri, Hunter Thompson, DFW, Saul Williams, Nelson Algren, Paul Auster... That's a good start. http://yespoetry.com/post/483596106/issue2

My picks...

So glad that you picked David Rhodes- easily my new favorite author- so glad that he's been found again- what a gem. I would add Stephen King- a master of suspense and a keen observer of the human condition- the Twain of our day, John Irving- gritty, real, and hopelessly devoted to the quirks in human emotion, Ethan Canin- no one weaves plots from the past and the present together as well as he does, and Ivan Doig- his attention to detail is second to none.

Authors of inspiration

Robert Bly, EA Poe(in my early years), Mark Twain, Wendell Berry, Mary Oliver, William Carlos Williams, Robert Graves, Langston Hughes, Denise Levertov, Naomi Shahib Nye, Leonard Cohen, William Stafford, Neruda, Belle Hooks, and a few others that created life for me through words.

H.P. Lovecraft, Alex

H.P. Lovecraft, Alex Garland, Alodous Huxely, Orwell, Poe and Anthony Burgess.