MFA Program
See writers who attended this programPoetry: Judy Jordan, Allison Joseph
Fiction: Pinckney Benedict, Rafael Frumkin
The program offers full funding. The program offers a tuition waiver and a stipend through teaching and research assistantships.
The application deadline for admission with assistantship support is February 1, with notification by April 1. The deadline for applicants for fellowships is January 15.
The program hosts the student-run Little Grassy Literary Festival, a visiting writers series, and the student- and faculty-run Quill & Ink Literary Festival. Other features include internships and assistantships with Crab Orchard Review, the Devil’s Kitchen Literary Festival, and the Saluki Writers Project. There is also a Podcasting Lab and VR (virtual reality) facility.
Ruth Awad, Curtis L. Crisler, Kerry James Evans, Rachel Furey, Sarah Jilek, Anna Leigh Knowles, Adrian Matejka, Michael Meyerhofer, Ben Percy, Jared Yates Sexton, Amie Whittemore, Melissa Scholes Young
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