Malaga Baldi

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Literary Agency: 
Malaga Baldi Literary Agency
233 West 99th Street
New York, NY 10025
(212) 222-3213
Accepts E-mail Queries: 
Interested in Representing: 
Autobiography/Memoir, Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Healing/Health, Historical, LGBTQ Voices, Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction
Clients Include: 
Cynthia Barrett, Kate Bornstein, Blanche McCrary Boyd, Dan Callahan, Mary Cappello, Barbara Carrellas, Alex Chasin, Lorna Coppinger, Kia Cothron, Patty Dann, Elizabeth Earley, Bonnie Friedman, Jason Friedman, The Estate of William E. Glassley, Daniel Harris, Julian Hattem, Anna Farro Henderson, Amy Godine, Elizabeth Kendall, Thomas Kepler, Glenn Kurtz, William J. Mann, Ru Marshall, Elizabeth Melampy, Ben Miller, Martin Moran, David Morris, Patti Niemi, Christopher Oldstone Moore, Joe Okonkwo, Charles Pappas, Alison Pearlman, Amy Pence, Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma, Oliver Radclyffe, Kate Rounds, Tom Santopietro, The Estate of David J. Skal, Joe Strike, Caitilin Sullivan, Jane Summers, Margaret Vandenburg, Mona Vold, Rick Whitaker

Submission Guidelines

For fiction, send a thoughtful one-page letter describing the completed novel along with a SASE for response. Or query by e-mail at If we ask to read the novel, we will ask for the entire manuscript.

For nonfiction, send a descriptive query offering the questions you are raising in your proposal along with a SASE for response and/or return of material. Or query by e-mail at On the basis of the query, we may ask for more material.

Please allow at least two weeks for consideration of the query letter. If we want to read your work, we may respond by e-mail to your snail mail letter. Please include an e-mail address and phone number in your query letter.

Tips From the Agent

  • Put your best foot forward.
  • Make sure your manuscript is as clean, lean, and mean as possible.
  • Please be patient, it takes time to read.
  • It all depends on the writing.
  • Always read the agent’s website thoroughly.
  • Do your research.
  • Stick to your guns.

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