Anthologies: Figlie di Sarah (Passigli Editori, 1997)
The Woman Who Lost Her Names: Selected Writing by American Jewish Women (Harper & Row, 1980)
Books: I Fratelli Donajero (Palomar, 2005)
The Martyrdom of Stephen Werner (Micah Publishing, 2004)
Animal Suffering and the Holocaust: The Problem with Comparisons (Micah Publishing, 2003)
Solomons Wisdom and Other Stories (Micah Publishing, 2001)
La Passion di Stephen (Palomar, 1998)
Veduta di Toledo (Palomar, 1996)
Justice, My Brother, My Sister (Micah Publishing, 1995)
Ktia, A Savior of the Jewish People and Other Stories (Micah Publishing, 1995)
6th Day of Creation (Micah Publishing, 1986)
Bodmin, 1349: An Epic Novel of Christians and Jews in the Plague Years (Micah Publishing, 1984)