Philip Appleman

Poet, Fiction Writer

East Hampton, NY
New York US

Author's Bio

Philip Appleman has published eight volumes of poetry, including New and Selected Poems, l956-l996 (University of Arkansas Press, l996), Darwin's Ark (Indiana University Press, 2009), and Karma, Dharma, Pudding & Pie (Quantuck Lane / W.W. Norton, 2009); three novels, including Apes and Angels (Putnam, l989); and half a dozen nonfiction books, including the widely used Norton Critical Edition, Darwin, and the Norton Critical Edition of Malthus' Essay on Population.

Publications & Prizes


, , ,
Paris Review
Partisan Review
, , ,
The Nation
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Yale Review


Darwin's Ark (Indiana University Press, 2009)
Karma, Dharma, Pudding & Pie (, 2009)
New & Selected Poems (University of Arkansas Press, 1996)
Let There Be Light (Harcourt Brace, 1991)
Apes and Angels (Putnam, 1989)
Prizes won: 

His poetry and fiction have won many awards, including a fellowship in poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Castagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America, the Friend of Darwin Award from the National Center for Science Education, and the Humanist Arts Award of the American Humanist Association, and have appeared in scores of publications, including Harper's Magazine, The Nation, New Republic, New York Times, Paris Review, Partisan Review, Poetry, Sewanee Review, and Yale Review. He has given readings of his poetry at the Library of Congress, the Guggenheim Museum, the Huntington Library, and many universities. Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Indiana University, he is a founding member of the Poets Advisory Committee of Poets House, New York, a former member of the governing board of the Poetry Society of America, and a member of the Academy of American Poets, PEN American Center, Poets & Writers, Inc., and the Authors Guild of America.

More Information

Fluent in: 
Born in: 
Kendallville, IN
Raised in: 
Kendallville, IN
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Apr 15, 2021