
Publications & Prizes
Certificate of Congressional Recognition, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., The Honorable Gilbert R. Cisneros, Jr., 2020; Avest Award For Literary Arts, the Women's Building, 2017; Poet Laureate, Watts Towers Arts Center, City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs & Watts Towers Arts Center, Los Angeles, California, 2007 - 2008; Certificate of Appreciation, City of Los Angeles for Work as a Promoter, Host and Publicist in Support of the Literary Arts in Los Angeles, California, 2007; Graduate Fellow, Cave Canem: A Workshop/Retreat for African American Poets; 1997, 1999 & 2003; Jenny McKean Moore Workshop Fellowship, George Washington University, Cornelius Eady, 1997; Lannan Literary Fellowship, Lannan Foundation/Folger Shakespeare Library, 1994, 1995, 1996 & 1997
John J. Wright Literary Award, First Place, Howard University, 1994