Galen Cunningham


Boulder, CO
Colorado US

Author's Bio

Galen Cunningham has been published or is forthcoming in Literary Yard, The Creativity Webzine, Blue Unicorn, Ink In Thirds, Sparks of Calliope, Apocalypse Confidential, Fresh Words Magazine, IHRAF, Choeofpleirn Press, Rundelania, Modern Literature, WINK: Writers IN the Know, and North of Oxford,. Originally from New York (the North Country), he lives in the foothills of Colorado. (Insta: @galencunningham_poetry) 

Publications & Prizes

Ink In Thirds
, , , ,
Sparks of Calliope
The Literary Yard

Personal Favorites

Favorite authors: 
Anton Chekhov, Joseph Conrad, Salman Rushdie, Micheal Chabon, Franz Kafka, Alice Munro, William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson, John Keats, Voltaire, Plato, Frederick Nietzsche, and others.
What I'm reading now: 
Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Identifies as: 
Prefers to work with: 
Fluent in: 
Born in: 
Norwood, NY
New York
Raised in: 
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Dec 26, 2024