Twenty-Seven Small Press Twitter Feeds to Follow

by Staff
From the November/December 2012 issue of
Poets & Writers Magazine

Not every great small press is active on Twitter, but here are twenty-seven that engage book culture via social media in interesting, informative, and entertaining ways.

1. Award-winning Brooklyn, New York-based independent press specializing in urban fiction and political nonfiction Akashic Books @AkashicBooks

2. Nonprofit publisher founded in Boston in 1854 Beacon Press @BeaconPressBks

3. A four-year-old imprint of Dzanc Books specializing in contemporary literature and creative nonfiction Black Lawrence Press @BlackLawrence

4. Thirty-six-year-old nonprofit publisher of poetry based in Rochester, New York BOA Editions @boaeditions

5. Minneapolis-based nonprofit publisher of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction Coffee House Press @Coffee_House

6. Prestigious publisher of W. S. Merwin and other poets, based in Port Townsend, Washington Copper Canyon Press @CopperCanyonPrs

7. Nonprofit publisher of innovative fiction founded by Steven Gillis in 2006 Dzanc Books @dzancbooks

8. Forty-two-year-old independent literary publisher promoting freedom of expression and social justice The Feminist Press @FeministPress

9. Small press borne of Fence, created and edited by Rebecca Wolff Fence Books @FenceBooks

10. Minneapolis-based nonprofit publisher of literary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry since 1974 Graywolf Press @GraywolfPress

11. Publishing books at the forefront of the American literary and publishing scene for more than seventy-five years Grove/Atlantic @groveatlantic

12. Literary imprint of the Department of Creative Writing at UNC Wilmington interested in “historically underrepresented voices” Lookout Books @LookoutBooks

13. The literary magazine founded in 1998 has grown into an edgy independent publishing empire that includes McSweeney’s Books @mcsweeneys

14. Independent publishing house in Brooklyn, New York, specializing in literary fiction, nonfiction, crime, and poetry Melville House Books @melvillehouse

15. Founded in 1936 by James Laughlin, the publisher of Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, and Dylan Thomas still looks for the best literature from around the world New Directions @NewDirections

16. Indie press based in Baltimore that is "less interested in form/content than in effect" Publishing Genius Press @pubgen

17. Former Soft Skull editor Richard Nash’s start-up that published Vanessa Veselka’s award-winning Zazen Red Lemonade @red_lemonade

18. Independent UK publisher of Alison Moore'sThe Lighthouse, shortlisted for the 2012 Man Booker Prize Salt Publishing @saltpublishing

19. Nonprofit literary press located in Louisville, Kentucky Sarabande Books @sarabandebooks

20. Indie stalwart whose first books in 1992 were photocopied (for free) at Kinko’s in New York City, but is now an imprint of Counterpoint Soft Skull Press @softskull

21. Indie publisher of literary mysteries, fiction, and memoirs Soho Press @soho_press

22. Columbus, Ohio–based indie founded by husband-and-wife team Eric Obenauf and Eliza Wood-Obenauf Two Dollar Radio @TwoDollarRadio

23. Eclectic indie press based in New York City Overlook Press @overlookpress

24. Nonprofit publisher and letterpress printer focusing on new poetry, translation, lost works, and books by artists Ugly Duckling Presse @udpbooks

25. Largest independent publisher in the country—since 1923 W. W. Norton @wwnorton

26. Independent poetry press based in Seattle, Washington Wave Books @WavePoetry

27. Virginia-based publisher of art and literature YesYes Books @YesYesBooks

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Another small press

that is worth a follow on twitter is @momentumbooks - a digital imprint that is great at engaging with writers and doing interesting things with ebooks. 

This is a great list! Here

This is a great list! Here are a few more to add: @anomalouspress, @open_letter, @archipelagobks, and @thenewpress. All excellent houses.