September/October 1988

Photographer Tom Victor, who appears on our cover with author Ann Beattie and fellow photographer Benjamin Ford, once pursued the literary life, but instead made a career of documenting its stars.


Remembering Howard Moss

by John Malcolm Brinnin
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A tribute to Howard Moss, the late poetry editor of the New Yorker.

Poetry and Audience

by Robert McDowell
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Can the audience for poetry, rooted in the academy, be expanded to its full potential—everyone else who can read?

Writing With Light: Tom Victor

by Allen Barnett
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A profile of the photographer Tom Victor.

Some Days: Fifteen Years at Copper Canyon Press

by Sam Hamill and Tree Swenson
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Neither its editor nor publisher makes a living at Copper Canyon Press, but they make a life there.

News and Trends

Safe Harbor for Writers, from the IRS?

by Michael D. Rothschild
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IRS announces new rules to mitigate unfair provisions of the Tax Reform Act.

NEA and NCA Open Sessions Coming Up

by Ann Keniston
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National Endowment for the Arts holds open sessions where panelists for each category discuss changes in application.

From The New Yorker

by Ann Keniston
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New editors handling poetry and fiction at the New Yorker are announced.

Paragraph Magazine—A New Genre of Literature?

by Ann Keniston
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Walker Rumble launches a magazine devoted entirely to paragraphs.
