Sandra Beasley's Advice for Visiting Writers, Act in James Franco's Faulkner Adaptation, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:

Julie Bosman has more on the scandal at Oxford American magazine. (New York Times)

Writer and former Salon editor Joy Press has accepted a new position as the Books and Culture Editor for the Los Angeles Times.

In the wake of Jonah Lehrer’s New Yorker resignation over fabricated quotes in his most recent book, Imagine, his publisher is reviewing all of his books. (Poynter)

If you'd like to act in James Franco's film adaptation of William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, go to Mississippi—now. (Los Angeles Times)

In other film news, a screen adaptation of a story by humorist David Sedaris is in the works. Production will start in October on a film version of "C.O.G." —an essay from his 1997 collection Naked. (Indiewire)

The Harvard Gazette details the life of centenarian Daniel Aaron, professor of English and American Literature Emeritus, who helped create the Library of America, and how when he arrived at Harvard for graduate school, one professor still rode to class on horseback.

The New York Review of Books showcases the work of artist and writer Edward Gorey, who illustrated as least sixty books for other writers, including an André Gide cover, and an issue of a 1966 Kenyon Review.

Publishing Trends looks at authors who also work in other parts of the book business.

"I was just reading the Washington Post and I came across a book review by a woman whose name, to this day, makes me shudder. Why? Because she was a nightmare when she came to visit my MFA program." On her blog, author Sandra Beasley offers advice for visiting writers.