Rosie Dastgir Recommends...

“The thing that inspires me in my writing is chatting with my friends about family relationships. I’ve relished many conversations, over time, with two filmmaker friends: Kim Longinotto and Clio Barnard. We’ve had long chats, like winding rivers with many tributaries. I find myself compelled by the bizarre and terrible stories at the heart of families, and this theme features recurrently in our chats together. Kim’s documentaries, novelistic stories about the injustices suffered by women around the world, often carry the tang of her own deep history, yet somehow transcend any personal agenda. Clio’s drama documentary, The Arbor, layers a familial tragedy percolating through a generation. Her insights about families shine like a beam throughout her work. Chatting to them both, and seeing how their personal histories inform their work without overshadowing it, is a source of inspiration to me.”
Rosie Dastgir, author of A Small Fortune (Riverhead Books, 2012)

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