November/December 1999

November/December 1999

Poet and fiction writer Kelly Cherry talks about God, Duncan the Dog, Beethoven, Dr. Joyce Brothers, the CIA, the KGB, Alzheimer’s, outer space, and the poetic possibilities of the essential self.


On God, Duncan the Dog, Beethoven, Dr. Joyce Brothers: A Profile of (Who Else?) Kelly Cherry

by Nancy Bunge
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A profile of poet and prose writer Kelly Cherry.

First Aid for Fiction Writers

Generic Prescriptions: Could Writing Workshops Be More Helpful?

by William Warner
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Suggestions for revising the writing workshop.

Vital Signs: Midlist and Other Fictions of Publishing

by Sol Stein
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A publisher shares insider knowledge about the myths surrounding the trade.

Alternative Medicine: How (and Why) I Got Published by a University Press

by Edra Ziesk
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The merits of publshing with a university press.

Symptoms of Success: Major Fiction Awards and Their Impact on the Winners

by Marcia Biederman
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How writers and their counterparts have responded to big prizes.

News and Trends

Two Quarterlies Close Pages

by Mary Gannon
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Story and the American Voice stop publication.

Executive/Poet Establishes Press

by Jim Andrews
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On Tupelo Press.

Libraries Partner With Starbucks

by Jacob Kalish
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On coffee shops and books.

The Practical Writer

Faith Sale, Editor at Work: A Writer's Best Reader

by Stanley E. Ely
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Editor Faith Sale has ushered into print works by the likes of Donald Barthelme, Amy Tan, and Kurt Vonnegut.

Creating Character: Fiction Lessons for Black Authors

by Jewell Parker Rhodes
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A novelist discusses the black writer's journey to creating characters.

The Literary Life

Art of Reading American Mavericks: Wild Rides With Revolutionaries

by Jay Atkinson
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In the sort of yarn that appeals to this author, you can feel the ground shake from artillery barrages, hear the call of bugles, and smell fires burning.

Metromania: The National Conversation, Po-Biz Style

by Michael Scharf
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The various venues for criticism and discussion of poetry.
