Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:
A never-before-seen story by Catch-22 author Joseph Heller will appear this week in the Strand. (Guardian)
Taffy Brodesser-Akner gleans what can be learned about the creative process when writers are forced to produce a play within twenty-four hours. (Fast Company)
Book Country has relaunched, expanding its genre coverage—it now includes literary fiction. (Publishing Perspectives)
Actor Jeffrey Tambor is part owner of famed Skylight Books in Los Angeles. (Los Angeles Times)
Huffington Post gathered writing tips offered by Joyce Carol Oates, including, “Write your heart out.”
Meanwhile, Maria Popova collected Raymond Chandler’s thoughts on writing: “There is not much point in all this pseudo-elaborate differentiation between the professional and the amateur.” (Brain Pickings)
Biographile explains why the world needs a definitive biography of Joan Didion.
If you’re near New York City this coming weekend, the third annual New York Poetry Festival takes place July 27–28 on Governors Island. (Rumpus)