Barry Lopez's sense of social responsibility sends him around the globe, but he always returns to his Oregon home with a story.
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Barry Lopez's sense of social responsibility sends him around the globe, but he always returns to his Oregon home with a story.
This spring Steerforth Press, a new general interest trade publisher based in Vermont will publish its debut list of six books.
This chapter from a new Poets & Writers book cautions against paying readers fees to literary agents.
At Robert Coover's marathon of vanguard narrative called Unspeakable Practices II the hot topics were a small press and a personal computer.
Spirited storyteller Rita Dove talks about her upbringing and the work that led to her appointment as Poet Laureate.
A novelist explains why he uses a pen name for his literary books and his real name for thrillers.
Although the Pulitzer–Prize winning author William Kennedy has often strayed from his home in Albany, New York, he has always known that his success as a novelist depends on being there.
A Washington, D.C., poet who says, "Literature is a very high form of gossip," brings verse to the masses on her radio talkshow. Includes an interview with poet Lucille Clifton.
Barry Lopez's sense of social responsibility sends him around the globe, but he always returns to his Oregon home with a story.
A novelist finds serious problems with sending work to several editors at once.
In a move that could launch a new era in author-publisher relations, Penguin USA announced a new royalty-reporting system that incorporates many of the changes authors and literary agents have fought for.
The University of California Extension's Center for Media and Independent Learning now offers writing course by mail entitled "Writing and Revising the Short Story."
David R. Godine has launched a new translation series entitled Verba Mundi—Lating for "words of the world"—which plans to publish some titles in hardcover, a practice that should result in more significant review coverage and ultimately extend books...
Poets, editors, librarians, teachers, bookstore buyers, and poetry lovers now have available the Directory of American Poetry Books, the first annual, comprehensive guide to all books of poetry published in the United States.
Derek Walcott, the 1992 Nobel Laureate in Literature, has donated $1.2 million in prize money toward developing tan international arts center on St. Lucia in the Caribbean, his birthplace.